The projects are listed by the venue, the following links will allow you
to jump down the page to one of the venues. East
Sussex Record Office in Lewes Folkestone
Library & Museum West Sussex
Local Studies Collection in Worthing Library
Other Projects
East Sussex Record Office in Lewes
Neville Gabie
10 September 2001... an archive within
an archive
10 – 19 November
A snapshot of the life of East Sussex on 10 September 2001; the
day before the tragic events of 11 September 2001 in the USA. Many people
will remember what they were doing when they heard the news on the 11th,
but what is remembered of the day before.
details >
Rachel Murphy
Mobile Medical Archive Unit
8 – 27 November 2004
A rebuilt medical trolley is used as an innovative computer system
to explore attitudes towards health and illness from the 16th Century
to the present day.
details >
Claudia Schenk
Things Unseen and Forgotten
4 October – 27 November 2004
Star Gallery, Castle Ditch Lane, Lewes, 25 – 28 October 2004, 11.00
– 17.30
A series of illustrations and a book inspired by inventories,
from the 1720's to the present day, of the contents of people’s
details >
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Folkestone Library & Museum
Stephen Connolly
Folkestone Obscura
4 October – 27 November 2004
A Film surveying 100 years of visual
entertainment on Folkestone's seafront, capturing history and quieter
moments of leisure by the sea using archival clips, a recreated camera
obscura and new film footage with a soundtrack.
details >
Rob Kesseler
Botanizing the Library
4 October – 27 November 2004
A celebration of the flora of Folkestone drawing together diverse
strands of science, botany and literature using artifacts and ephemera
from the library and museum together with microscopic images of pollen.
details >
Bob and Roberta Smith
Day Out
4 October – 27 November 2004
Bob Smith launches an absurd campaign inspired by the satirical
political posters and bizarre photographs of seaside entertainers.
More details >
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West Sussex Local Studies Collection in Worthing
Andrew Hunter
The Lalla Rookh Project: A Poetic
4 October – 27 November 2004
Library windows Late October through November
A poetic memorial to the 'Brave Eleven', a group of fishermen
who tragically drowned in the attempt to come to the aid of the ship Lalla
Rookh on 25 November 1850.
details >
Simon Pope
A Walk from London to Worthing
4 October – 27 November 2004
A journey through the collections of
the library, inspired by 19th century ‘route-planners’ and
guidebooks of the trip from London to Worthing.
details >
Mah Rana
A First Class Ticket For Worthing
4 October – 27 November 2004
Mah Rana inherits a fictional piece of jewellery from her great
great aunt Mary Garnett in 1901 and discovers threads of history and connections
that spread around the world.
details >
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Other Projects
Jason E Bowman
An exploration of how the thoughts, actions
and opinions of individual and collective stories of local history and
heritage come to represent civic culture.
More details >
Sally O'Reilly & Cathy Haynes
of Implicasphere
A Three–Fold Yarn
Free. Pick up a copy from any of the three main
Derived from a game in which players
find connections between facts and fables to create unexpected lines of
association A Three Fold Yarn reveals facts and fictions that
add a new layer of meaning to Navigating History and to the libraries'
More details
Archive boxes
Each of the three main venues will contain four archive boxes
of background material that inspired the commissions, as well as further
reading and information on each of the practitioners. They will be available
on request.
A limited edition book will explore the various projects that
have been part of Navigating History. For information call 020
7209 4042 or contact info[at]navigating-history.net
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My History My History
is a web and paper based project is collecting ideas on what paper based
items should be kept for the future.
We are asking people the question:
If you could leave only one thing in a local history collection or archive,
what would it be?
People can make their contributions either
by filling in a card attached to the brochure or by visiting the
My History
page on this website. Lots of the answers will
appear on this website and may be included in the Navigating History
publication |
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